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Keystone College Web Content Policy

All official departments and offices of Keystone College must review their primary web presence on homeschoolinggiftedchildren.com and use the templates and designs provided or approved by the Office of Communications. 这确保了整个学院网站的一致设计和导航.

Content should support the Keystone College mission and reputation through all College web initiatives and is guided by these principles:

  1. Brand awareness and perception
  2. Student enrollment
  3. Stewardship/fundraising
  4. 通过信息架构和周到的导航减少内容冗余
  5. 使用通用的系统、仪表板和代码库来提高效率和一致性
  6. Guarantee stability and security of the website by resolving technology issues and performing regular maintenance
  7. Ensure implementations follow web standards, accessibility, and usability best practices.

Site Structure

1. 主要部门和局处在keystone的根目录下.edu. For example, homeschoolinggiftedchildren.com/academics and homeschoolinggiftedchildren.com/admissions. Centers, services, and units that belong to these offices must be contained under the larger office’s website. 例如,学术网站上有各个专业(例如:keystone).edu/academics/majors/psychology)

2. URLs should be kept as short as reasonably possible and use hyphens to separate words—for example, homeschoolinggiftedchildren.com/res-life, not homeschoolinggiftedchildren.com/resident_life.

Site Content Responsibilities

1. Keystone学院的每个部门和办公室都负责自己的网络存在. However, the Web Marketing and Content Manager, the Office of Communications, 或者信息技术办公室, 保留随时删除或编辑内容的权利.

2. The director or chair has responsibility for that area’s content but may delegate web review to someone else. 该小组的成员将成为网络内容委员会的一部分.

3. The Web Marketing and Content Manager will contact members of the Web Content Committee three times a year (January, June, and September) to review content. 每个区域负责以下工作:

  1.  Gathering and maintaining up-to-date and accurate content related to the area’s personnel and activities. 网站内容应每年审查三次(1月11日)./June/Sept.), or as often as necessary, to maintain accuracy and relevance of all content and ensure that links are accurate and working.
  2.  Designating a dedicated point person to manage and review web content within the area’s web section.
  3.  遵守这些政策和web教程中概述的最佳实践.
  4.  根据需要参加网站培训课程和内容审查电话.

4. Top Pages.

  1. 所有更改主页的请求, sliders, header, footer, about pages, events calendar, or news-events pages must be submitted to the Web Marketing and Content Manager or Office of Communications.
  2. Priorities for the homepage are based on the intended audience’s size and the relevance to the College’s priorities.
  3. 所有来自学院主页的链接都必须留在keystone上.edu or gokcgiants.com domains.


1. The Web Marketing and Content Manager will update content on pages and sections of the site based the needs of each department after a periodical review or as needed.

2. Content must be accurate and logical.

  1. 所有子网站上的内容必须是最新的和相关的. Outdated information must be updated as soon as possible or removed if the page is obsolete. 网站应该是最新内容的中心,而不是旧材料的存档.
    (i). When a page needs updating, instead of creating a new page with the current information and removing the outdated page, the existing page should be updated.
  2.  Old files in the Media Library must be removed regularly, so they do not appear in search queries.
  3.  Short URLs must be checked regularly (at least once a semester) to make sure they’re working correctly and still being utilized.
  4.  内容必须集中在正确的部门或办公室网站. 如果其他网站引用了该信息, 它们必须链接到集中位置,而不是复制信息. For example, 而不是把校园地图上传到学术区, 该部分应连接到集中地图/方向部分的校园pap. 这使所有内容保持最新和正确.
  5.  Links must be checked regularly (at least once a semester) to make sure they are working correctly.

3. 内容必须一致和适当.

  1.  拱心石学院不会容忍拱心石网站上的攻击性或侮辱性内容.edu or any online platforms. 被认为不合适的内容将被立即删除, 负责该内容的用户将被撤销web权限. 根据员工的政策,可能会发生额外的纪律处分, faculty, and student handbooks.
  2.  文案应该以一种积极友好的方式为听众着想. Informal and approachable language, without being overly chatty, 欢迎访客到网站,并鼓励参与. Use short sentences and paragraphs of no more than 3-4 sentences, with a full break in between.
  3.  布局必须与提供的模板、短代码和样式保持一致. 例如,必须使用适当的标题标签,而不是使用大文本的图像文件.
  4.  视频应该通过Keystone学院的YouTube频道嵌入.
  5.  所有副本必须符合学院的编辑标准, with proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, style, etc.
  6.  External websites or blogs or third-party systems (sites hosted outside of the homeschoolinggiftedchildren.com域名)用于学院的官方事务, 包括那些为营销活动创建的, will not be permitted, 除非得到信息技术办公室或通信办公室的批准. Please direct all inquiries to the Web Marketing and Content Manager in the Office of Communications 或者信息技术办公室.

4. 内容必须尽可能易于访问.

  1.  All Keystone College web pages must comply with state and federal accessibility standards.
  2.  应该使用可访问性标准创建pdf.
  3.  Write meaningful link text.
  4.  包括照片的描述性alt文本.

5. Content must be legal

  1. When uploading or posting confidential information, web editors must be extremely cautious. PDFs and other files are searchable and not private unless protection is specifically applied.
  2. Keystone College必须拥有所有内容的版权所有权或许可, including text, photographs, maps, graphics, files, and other data. Web editors may not upload or publish any content that does not meet copyright criteria. For example, a photograph found with a Google search cannot be downloaded and published on keystone.未经摄影师或照片所有者的明确许可.

6. Prohibited Content

  1. 为非学院实体、企业、组织或产品做广告.
  2. 暗示机构认可实体的内容, businesses, organizations, products, projects or services.
  3. 内容或链接到与学院使命不一致的页面.

Web Change Request Submission

1. 如果校园成员想要更改页面上的内容, 向现有部分添加其他页面, 或者请求需要开发工作或第三方软件的新功能, a Web Content Request must be submitted to the Web Marketing and Content Manager via email, phone, or submission form: http://keystonecollege.wufoo.com/forms/q1j849ej0jfqft5/

2. 所有申请均须提供下列资料:

  1.  申请人的姓名和立博平台.
  2.  请求更改的页面的URL.
  3.  详细说明要求的编辑.
  4.  指示要求的紧迫性/时效性. 我们将尽一切努力迅速满足您的要求, 但在你之前收到的项目或请求可能会优先考虑. Please plan requests as far in advance as possible to ensure associated deadlines aren’t missed.
  5.  Content to be inserted/replaced.
  6.  如有需要,附上图片或文件. 请参阅“照片及档案附件格式”以了解如何提交这些项目.

3. Request Approval Process

  1.  All requests will receive a confirmation from the Web Marketing and Content Manger or a member of the Office of Communications. All work completed will be communicated to the requester via email and the requester will have an opportunity to approve the changes.
  2.  All updates will be reviewed and verified by the Web Marketing and Content Manager and the Office of Communications to ensure consistency with the university’s mission, brand and voice.
  3.  请求者应审查更改并建议是否应进行进一步编辑.

4. Photo File and Attachment Formats

  1.  照片:照片文件以jpg格式提交, at least 72 dpi with an aspect ratio of 3:2 (minimum 900×600 pixels or 600×900 for vertical photos). 照片的质量和适当性有待于评估.
  2.  Word documents may be used if the document is a form and requires the user to edit or add information with a physical signature.
  3.  PDFs must adhere to the graphic standards of the Keystone College and are subject to editing. Requesters who are unsure if their files fit this standard can submit a Word file for simple editing, 网络营销和内容管理器将创建PDF文件发布.
    • PDF Web Accessibility standards: PDFs posted on public websites should be accessible to individuals who use screen readers because of poor or no vision. To assist with web accessibility, 尽可能多的内容应该作为可访问的网页发布, rather than PDF documents, 所有张贴的pdf文件必须可供查阅.
    • Content Suitable for a PDF: Most content should be posted as a web page that can be easily updated, rather than a PDF document. This applies to guidelines, general program descriptions, 经常更新的信息, and sometimes reports. 可能需要以PDF格式发布的内容包括签名/日期的备忘录, a formal policy, or a report that is printed.
    • Policy and instructions for creating accessible PDFs will be developed and communicated to the Web Content Committee.

Note: The Keystone College Office of College Communications developed and maintains the web policy which was approved by the President’s Cabinet in June 2021.